Heroin Withdrawal May Have Led to Inmate’s Alleged Wrongful Death


Many people know that drugs can impact the way one’s mind and body work. When a person comes off of those drugs, without having more drugs to take to get the next high, it can produce some alarming side effects. In some cases, these may need medical attention, which may have been the case with a female inmate in a county jail in a state outside of New Mexico who has recently died. As a result, the woman’s family has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against numerous defendants, including the sheriff, the medical staff at the jail and others.

In the lawsuit, the family alleges that the female inmate passed away while in her jail cell. Reportedly, she was suffering from withdrawals from the drug heroin. The jailers, the jail’s medical staff and others are accused of ignoring the woman’s signs of distress, which should have been obvious to them.

The family asserts that no corrections officer, nurse or physician was ever brought in for the woman while she was in her cell. This was over the course of three days. At one point in time, it is alleged that a doctor said the woman was cold to the touch and her eyes were both dilated and fixed. The lawsuit is asking for a minimum of $1 million in monetary damages.

It can be extremely painful to lose a loved one. This is particularly true when that loved one lost his or her life while in the custody of state or government authorities. New Mexico residents who have lost a loved one in a situation similar to this one or in any situation that seems to raise red flags may want to consider all of the facts to determine if a wrongful death suit would be a viable option. Inmates may have possibly done wrong, but they deserve the same medical care and attention as anyone else.
