Common Reasons for Cancer Misdiagnosis: Identifying Red Flags and Pursuing Medical Malpractice Claims

Photo of an unidentified medical professional holding a scan.

Cancer is a devastating disease that affects millions of people each year. When it’s caught early, the chances of survival are high.

However, a cancer misdiagnosis can be catastrophic, leading to delayed treatment and deadly consequences. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some common reasons behind cancer misdiagnosis, provide tips to recognize red flags, and explore the process of pursuing medical malpractice claims.

Identifying Red Flags

Inadequate Testing

In some cases, doctors may overlook certain symptoms or fail to order the appropriate tests, resulting in a cancer misdiagnosis. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including miscommunicating information with patients, limited time with patients, and not following up with patients regarding test results.

To avoid an inadequate testing scenario, it is important to be proactive with your health, asking your doctor about any symptoms you may experience and requesting specific tests if necessary.

Misinterpretation of Results

Even if the appropriate tests have been ordered, there may still be a risk of misdiagnosis through misinterpretation of results. This can occur when doctors fail to adequately review results or misinterpret them as normal when they are not.

To reduce this risk, patients should always request copies of their test results and have them interpreted by a specialist in the relevant field.

Communication Failures

Communication failures between medical professionals can be a significant contributor to cancer misdiagnosis. This can occur when physicians fail to share vital information or follow up with each other about changes in a patient’s condition.

Patients can actively try to improve communication by bringing a list of questions to doctor appointments, writing things down, and making sure all medical professionals involved in their care are aware of one another.

Failure to Recommend Appropriate Screening

In some cases, doctors may fail to recommend the appropriate screening for certain types of cancer based on age, family history, and other risk factors.

To help reduce this risk of misdiagnosis, patients should ask their doctors about the recommended screening for their age and risk factors.

Pursuing a Medical Malpractice Claim

Cancer misdiagnosis can have devastating consequences, but with a better understanding of the common reasons behind it, patients can be proactive in identifying red flags and challenging their healthcare providers to provide thorough and accurate care.

If you or a loved one has been affected by a cancer misdiagnosis, it’s critical to speak with an experienced medical malpractice attorney who can help you navigate the complex process of pursuing a legal claim. Every patient deserves the best care from their healthcare provider, and it is important to hold those who fall short accountable.

Schedule a complimentary case evaluation with a member of our team by calling us at (505) 871-3740 or by submitting a secure contact form through our website.

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