Baby’s Brain Injuries Lead to Mother Filing Malpractice Suit

When New Mexico individuals endure brain injuries, this can lead to a very long road to recovery. In most cases, recovery isn’t even an option. Instead, one must sometimes live with hardship for their rest of his or her life. Sadly, a mother from another state is all too familiar with this situation, as this may be the life that her daughter has ahead of her. Because of a medical facility’s negligence, her daughter suffered unnecessarily, and she is now filing a medical malpractice lawsuit citing negligence as the cause of her baby’s brain injuries.

The lawsuit reports that the woman arrived at the hospital on November 25, 2010. She was in active labor at the time. She was reportedly sent to the operating room to undergo a Cesarean section.

While she was undergoing the procedure, her fetal monitor was allegedly disconnected. She claims that it was not hooked up for over an hour. It was during the time that her blood pressure dropped dangerously low, and her daughter suffered from seizures and asphyxia.  

Going to the hospital to have a baby should not have ended like this for this mother. Individuals in New Mexico should feel comfortable in going to a hospital to give birth without having to worry about the health care professionals there who are not performing their jobs adequately. If a mother or anyone else is considering filing a medical malpractice lawsuit after having suffered irreversible brain injuries, he or she has the legal right to seek the advice of an experienced attorney. A lawyer is familiar with the law and understands what type of evidence is necessary in order to succeed with a case.

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